Feedback Global
To move towards a food system that nourishes both people and our planet will require significant changes to our food culture, the food economy and its governance. Feedback campaigns to bring about these changes through a unique combination of campaigning and advocacy, citizen engagement and pilot programmes.
Feedback exposes systemic problems that have led to unsustainable use of resources within the food system. The organisation acts as a critical friend to industry and policymakers or, when more appropriate, it launches creative campaigns to achieve change.
Deep Green Media was retained to raise the profile of Feedback and its campaigns in 2020, specifically its research on livestock and bioenergy and importance to big investors. Deep Green Media successfully promoted Bad Energy and Big Livestock vs the Planet.
The meat industry makes a lot of money for financiers – never mind that it's killing us and the planet (Independent)
‘Build Back Better’ must exclude biogas and deal with food waste
(Responsible Investor)
Banks and pension funds among investors bankrolling meat and dairy (Guardian)
Defund and divest: Banks, investors, and pension funds urged to stop bankrolling meat and dairy (Business Green)